Bullying Policy and Complaint Form

Bullying and Violence Prevention Policy

W.A.L.K.S./ W.E.B.S. supports a safe and healthy learning environment in a community that promotes personal values, respect, kindness, and tolerance between learners, parents, teachers, and all school personnel, based on the six Pillars of Character (Character Counts).

Law # 37 of the Department of State approved on the 10th of April of 2008, defines bullying as systematic violent, psychological, physical or sexual actions by a student or group of students against one or more classmates, who are not in a position to defend themselves.

At W.A.L.K.S. we are committed to a bully-free environment. As a necessary condition to avoid risks and to ensure a safe and healthy environment, the practice of physical, verbal, emotional and/or technological abuse (Bullying/Cyber bullying) of one student against another is prohibited. For this reason, the following policies have been established:

  • Bullying or intimidation toward students, will not be allowed under any circumstances:

  • During any class, educational activity or at any time including after school.

  • Through the inappropriate use of some technological equipment on school grounds.

  • Through technology, even outside of class, but involving the school or a member of the school community

  • If it is known that a student or group of students is bothering one or more students, an investigation process will be initiated, and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.

  • Counseling will be provided to students who are victims of bullying and also to the bullies.

  • Psychological or psychiatric help may be required for the harassing student.

  • School staff will endeavor to reintegrate student victims who have been excluded from a group.

Learners may report bullying behavior by:

      • The Anonymous Reporting Mailbox located near the Guidance and Counseling office (drop off area).

      • Online Anonymous Reporting Form.

      • In person to any school personnel/trusted adult.

      • Individual written report to the Principal or the Counselor.

The W.A.L.K.S./ W.E.B.S. Bullying Prevention Protocol provides additional information, procedures, and strategies for school community. This official document is in the Guidance and Counseling office.